How to



Eva Lämmle Geigenbaumeisterin
Löwengrube 10 / 5. Stock mit Aufzug
80333 München



Arrange on short term and individually

Personal consulting is very important to me, thus I work by appointment only.
From Mon – Fri 9:30 – 18:00 o’clock  you can reach me by telephone.

Short-term appointments are possible.

Appointments for Saturdays can be made until Fridays 18.00 o’clock.

Due to Corona restrictions please come alone if possible, desinfect your hands in the workshop and wear a FFP2-mask. Thank you !

Eva Lämmle violin maker
Löwengrube 10 / 5th floor (elevator)
80333 Munich

Phone: +49 89 95 44 01 16

The workshop is located between Frauenkirche and Promenadeplatz in Löwengrube 10. Marienplatz is just 4 minutes away. If you come by car, there is parking in the park Oberpollinger, 5-minutes walk away from my workshop.