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Livestream concert on Saturday, March 6, 2021, 7:00 pm


Saturday, March 6, 2021, 19:00, there will be a livestream concert from the Gasteig, Munich, with selected works from the CD Skylla and Charybdis by Graham Waterhouse and



the world premiere of the Eleven New Bagatelles by Beethoven/Waterhouse, as well as Variations for Cello Solo, recently published by Schott Music.

Skylla und Charybdis – published by the Munich label Farao classics, with own chamber music works for strings and piano, played by Katharina Sellheim (piano), David Frühwirth (violin), Namiko Fuse (violin), Konstantin Sellheim (viola), Graham Waterhouse (cello).

Admission free – under this link: http://www.farao-classics.de


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