Building a violin from the roof beams of the Frauenkirche in Munich, part 3

The model for the violin made of cathedral wood is based on a violin by Guarnereri del Gesù from 1741.


First, a mold board is built according to the model, which determines the shape of the rib rim and the violin. The photo shows the finished moldboard with cut-outs for the corner blocks, the upper and lower blocks, as well as a piece of spruce wood on the left and the unfinished ribs on the right.
The corner blocks and the top and bottom blocks are now split out of the spruce wood and glued to the form board.




The corners and blocks are then brought into the correct shape.




Now the center bow frames are bent and glued to the blocks.




After cutting the corners to length, the remaining frames are bent and glued to the blocks.





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