// Things to know, Tips and tricks

Try cello endpins

Cellists can test different endpins in my workshop – a way to improve the sound of your cello.

Stingers made of different materials are available – solid carbon, carbon tube, titanium tube, solid titanium, perforated titanium and stainless steel tube. Currently, MM, Bender Sound Pin and Lehmann are available.
The differences are astonishing, and the results vary depending on the instrument.
It is easiest if you have already installed a Memminger or Bender spiked pear. Otherwise, the spiked bar you have must be completely removable. If that’s not the case and you still want to try it out, you can hear the differences on a cello here in the workshop.
The sting test is billed based on time spent (€60 per hour)

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