Building a violin from the roof beams of the Frauenkirche in Munich, part 11

Bild Geigenbau

Once the f-holes have been cut, the bass bar still has to be fitted.


The bass beam is a piece of spruce wood that is fitted and glued into the “bass side” of the violin top. It has acoustic and static functions.


After the hoops/lining strips have also been fitted and glued into the other side of the moldboard, the rib rim is now removed from the moldboard and finished.




Here you can see how the architrave is glued to the top. Special clamps, so-called glue screws, are used for this. The glue used in violin making is a glutinous glue.


It is water-soluble, so that all glued joints can be dissolved again when repairing violins.




Next, I glue the piece of paper to the bottom. An inscription on the top also documents the origin of the cathedral wood. Here you can also see how dark the top wood is.





Now the top is glued on and the body is finished.






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